/* This file was generated automatically by the Snowball to ANSI C compiler */ #include "../runtime/header.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern int finnish_ISO_8859_1_stem(struct SN_env * z); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif static int r_tidy(struct SN_env * z); static int r_other_endings(struct SN_env * z); static int r_t_plural(struct SN_env * z); static int r_i_plural(struct SN_env * z); static int r_case_ending(struct SN_env * z); static int r_VI(struct SN_env * z); static int r_LONG(struct SN_env * z); static int r_possessive(struct SN_env * z); static int r_particle_etc(struct SN_env * z); static int r_R2(struct SN_env * z); static int r_mark_regions(struct SN_env * z); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern struct SN_env * finnish_ISO_8859_1_create_env(void); extern void finnish_ISO_8859_1_close_env(struct SN_env * z); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif static const symbol s_0_0[2] = { 'p', 'a' }; static const symbol s_0_1[3] = { 's', 't', 'i' }; static const symbol s_0_2[4] = { 'k', 'a', 'a', 'n' }; static const symbol s_0_3[3] = { 'h', 'a', 'n' }; static const symbol s_0_4[3] = { 'k', 'i', 'n' }; static const symbol s_0_5[3] = { 'h', 0xE4, 'n' }; static const symbol s_0_6[4] = { 'k', 0xE4, 0xE4, 'n' }; static const symbol s_0_7[2] = { 'k', 'o' }; static const symbol s_0_8[2] = { 'p', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_0_9[2] = { 'k', 0xF6 }; static const struct among a_0[10] = { /* 0 */ { 2, s_0_0, -1, 1, 0}, /* 1 */ { 3, s_0_1, -1, 2, 0}, /* 2 */ { 4, s_0_2, -1, 1, 0}, /* 3 */ { 3, s_0_3, -1, 1, 0}, /* 4 */ { 3, s_0_4, -1, 1, 0}, /* 5 */ { 3, s_0_5, -1, 1, 0}, /* 6 */ { 4, s_0_6, -1, 1, 0}, /* 7 */ { 2, s_0_7, -1, 1, 0}, /* 8 */ { 2, s_0_8, -1, 1, 0}, /* 9 */ { 2, s_0_9, -1, 1, 0} }; static const symbol s_1_0[3] = { 'l', 'l', 'a' }; static const symbol s_1_1[2] = { 'n', 'a' }; static const symbol s_1_2[3] = { 's', 's', 'a' }; static const symbol s_1_3[2] = { 't', 'a' }; static const symbol s_1_4[3] = { 'l', 't', 'a' }; static const symbol s_1_5[3] = { 's', 't', 'a' }; static const struct among a_1[6] = { /* 0 */ { 3, s_1_0, -1, -1, 0}, /* 1 */ { 2, s_1_1, -1, -1, 0}, /* 2 */ { 3, s_1_2, -1, -1, 0}, /* 3 */ { 2, s_1_3, -1, -1, 0}, /* 4 */ { 3, s_1_4, 3, -1, 0}, /* 5 */ { 3, s_1_5, 3, -1, 0} }; static const symbol s_2_0[3] = { 'l', 'l', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_2_1[2] = { 'n', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_2_2[3] = { 's', 's', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_2_3[2] = { 't', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_2_4[3] = { 'l', 't', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_2_5[3] = { 's', 't', 0xE4 }; static const struct among a_2[6] = { /* 0 */ { 3, s_2_0, -1, -1, 0}, /* 1 */ { 2, s_2_1, -1, -1, 0}, /* 2 */ { 3, s_2_2, -1, -1, 0}, /* 3 */ { 2, s_2_3, -1, -1, 0}, /* 4 */ { 3, s_2_4, 3, -1, 0}, /* 5 */ { 3, s_2_5, 3, -1, 0} }; static const symbol s_3_0[3] = { 'l', 'l', 'e' }; static const symbol s_3_1[3] = { 'i', 'n', 'e' }; static const struct among a_3[2] = { /* 0 */ { 3, s_3_0, -1, -1, 0}, /* 1 */ { 3, s_3_1, -1, -1, 0} }; static const symbol s_4_0[3] = { 'n', 's', 'a' }; static const symbol s_4_1[3] = { 'm', 'm', 'e' }; static const symbol s_4_2[3] = { 'n', 'n', 'e' }; static const symbol s_4_3[2] = { 'n', 'i' }; static const symbol s_4_4[2] = { 's', 'i' }; static const symbol s_4_5[2] = { 'a', 'n' }; static const symbol s_4_6[2] = { 'e', 'n' }; static const symbol s_4_7[2] = { 0xE4, 'n' }; static const symbol s_4_8[3] = { 'n', 's', 0xE4 }; static const struct among a_4[9] = { /* 0 */ { 3, s_4_0, -1, 3, 0}, /* 1 */ { 3, s_4_1, -1, 3, 0}, /* 2 */ { 3, s_4_2, -1, 3, 0}, /* 3 */ { 2, s_4_3, -1, 2, 0}, /* 4 */ { 2, s_4_4, -1, 1, 0}, /* 5 */ { 2, s_4_5, -1, 4, 0}, /* 6 */ { 2, s_4_6, -1, 6, 0}, /* 7 */ { 2, s_4_7, -1, 5, 0}, /* 8 */ { 3, s_4_8, -1, 3, 0} }; static const symbol s_5_0[2] = { 'a', 'a' }; static const symbol s_5_1[2] = { 'e', 'e' }; static const symbol s_5_2[2] = { 'i', 'i' }; static const symbol s_5_3[2] = { 'o', 'o' }; static const symbol s_5_4[2] = { 'u', 'u' }; static const symbol s_5_5[2] = { 0xE4, 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_5_6[2] = { 0xF6, 0xF6 }; static const struct among a_5[7] = { /* 0 */ { 2, s_5_0, -1, -1, 0}, /* 1 */ { 2, s_5_1, -1, -1, 0}, /* 2 */ { 2, s_5_2, -1, -1, 0}, /* 3 */ { 2, s_5_3, -1, -1, 0}, /* 4 */ { 2, s_5_4, -1, -1, 0}, /* 5 */ { 2, s_5_5, -1, -1, 0}, /* 6 */ { 2, s_5_6, -1, -1, 0} }; static const symbol s_6_0[1] = { 'a' }; static const symbol s_6_1[3] = { 'l', 'l', 'a' }; static const symbol s_6_2[2] = { 'n', 'a' }; static const symbol s_6_3[3] = { 's', 's', 'a' }; static const symbol s_6_4[2] = { 't', 'a' }; static const symbol s_6_5[3] = { 'l', 't', 'a' }; static const symbol s_6_6[3] = { 's', 't', 'a' }; static const symbol s_6_7[3] = { 't', 't', 'a' }; static const symbol s_6_8[3] = { 'l', 'l', 'e' }; static const symbol s_6_9[3] = { 'i', 'n', 'e' }; static const symbol s_6_10[3] = { 'k', 's', 'i' }; static const symbol s_6_11[1] = { 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_12[3] = { 'h', 'a', 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_13[3] = { 'd', 'e', 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_14[4] = { 's', 'e', 'e', 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_15[3] = { 'h', 'e', 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_16[4] = { 't', 't', 'e', 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_17[3] = { 'h', 'i', 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_18[4] = { 's', 'i', 'i', 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_19[3] = { 'h', 'o', 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_20[3] = { 'h', 0xE4, 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_21[3] = { 'h', 0xF6, 'n' }; static const symbol s_6_22[1] = { 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_6_23[3] = { 'l', 'l', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_6_24[2] = { 'n', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_6_25[3] = { 's', 's', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_6_26[2] = { 't', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_6_27[3] = { 'l', 't', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_6_28[3] = { 's', 't', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_6_29[3] = { 't', 't', 0xE4 }; static const struct among a_6[30] = { /* 0 */ { 1, s_6_0, -1, 8, 0}, /* 1 */ { 3, s_6_1, 0, -1, 0}, /* 2 */ { 2, s_6_2, 0, -1, 0}, /* 3 */ { 3, s_6_3, 0, -1, 0}, /* 4 */ { 2, s_6_4, 0, -1, 0}, /* 5 */ { 3, s_6_5, 4, -1, 0}, /* 6 */ { 3, s_6_6, 4, -1, 0}, /* 7 */ { 3, s_6_7, 4, 9, 0}, /* 8 */ { 3, s_6_8, -1, -1, 0}, /* 9 */ { 3, s_6_9, -1, -1, 0}, /* 10 */ { 3, s_6_10, -1, -1, 0}, /* 11 */ { 1, s_6_11, -1, 7, 0}, /* 12 */ { 3, s_6_12, 11, 1, 0}, /* 13 */ { 3, s_6_13, 11, -1, r_VI}, /* 14 */ { 4, s_6_14, 11, -1, r_LONG}, /* 15 */ { 3, s_6_15, 11, 2, 0}, /* 16 */ { 4, s_6_16, 11, -1, r_VI}, /* 17 */ { 3, s_6_17, 11, 3, 0}, /* 18 */ { 4, s_6_18, 11, -1, r_VI}, /* 19 */ { 3, s_6_19, 11, 4, 0}, /* 20 */ { 3, s_6_20, 11, 5, 0}, /* 21 */ { 3, s_6_21, 11, 6, 0}, /* 22 */ { 1, s_6_22, -1, 8, 0}, /* 23 */ { 3, s_6_23, 22, -1, 0}, /* 24 */ { 2, s_6_24, 22, -1, 0}, /* 25 */ { 3, s_6_25, 22, -1, 0}, /* 26 */ { 2, s_6_26, 22, -1, 0}, /* 27 */ { 3, s_6_27, 26, -1, 0}, /* 28 */ { 3, s_6_28, 26, -1, 0}, /* 29 */ { 3, s_6_29, 26, 9, 0} }; static const symbol s_7_0[3] = { 'e', 'j', 'a' }; static const symbol s_7_1[3] = { 'm', 'm', 'a' }; static const symbol s_7_2[4] = { 'i', 'm', 'm', 'a' }; static const symbol s_7_3[3] = { 'm', 'p', 'a' }; static const symbol s_7_4[4] = { 'i', 'm', 'p', 'a' }; static const symbol s_7_5[3] = { 'm', 'm', 'i' }; static const symbol s_7_6[4] = { 'i', 'm', 'm', 'i' }; static const symbol s_7_7[3] = { 'm', 'p', 'i' }; static const symbol s_7_8[4] = { 'i', 'm', 'p', 'i' }; static const symbol s_7_9[3] = { 'e', 'j', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_7_10[3] = { 'm', 'm', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_7_11[4] = { 'i', 'm', 'm', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_7_12[3] = { 'm', 'p', 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_7_13[4] = { 'i', 'm', 'p', 0xE4 }; static const struct among a_7[14] = { /* 0 */ { 3, s_7_0, -1, -1, 0}, /* 1 */ { 3, s_7_1, -1, 1, 0}, /* 2 */ { 4, s_7_2, 1, -1, 0}, /* 3 */ { 3, s_7_3, -1, 1, 0}, /* 4 */ { 4, s_7_4, 3, -1, 0}, /* 5 */ { 3, s_7_5, -1, 1, 0}, /* 6 */ { 4, s_7_6, 5, -1, 0}, /* 7 */ { 3, s_7_7, -1, 1, 0}, /* 8 */ { 4, s_7_8, 7, -1, 0}, /* 9 */ { 3, s_7_9, -1, -1, 0}, /* 10 */ { 3, s_7_10, -1, 1, 0}, /* 11 */ { 4, s_7_11, 10, -1, 0}, /* 12 */ { 3, s_7_12, -1, 1, 0}, /* 13 */ { 4, s_7_13, 12, -1, 0} }; static const symbol s_8_0[1] = { 'i' }; static const symbol s_8_1[1] = { 'j' }; static const struct among a_8[2] = { /* 0 */ { 1, s_8_0, -1, -1, 0}, /* 1 */ { 1, s_8_1, -1, -1, 0} }; static const symbol s_9_0[3] = { 'm', 'm', 'a' }; static const symbol s_9_1[4] = { 'i', 'm', 'm', 'a' }; static const struct among a_9[2] = { /* 0 */ { 3, s_9_0, -1, 1, 0}, /* 1 */ { 4, s_9_1, 0, -1, 0} }; static const unsigned char g_AEI[] = { 17, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8 }; static const unsigned char g_V1[] = { 17, 65, 16, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 32 }; static const unsigned char g_V2[] = { 17, 65, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 32 }; static const unsigned char g_particle_end[] = { 17, 97, 24, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 32 }; static const symbol s_0[] = { 'k' }; static const symbol s_1[] = { 'k', 's', 'e' }; static const symbol s_2[] = { 'k', 's', 'i' }; static const symbol s_3[] = { 'i' }; static const symbol s_4[] = { 'a' }; static const symbol s_5[] = { 'e' }; static const symbol s_6[] = { 'i' }; static const symbol s_7[] = { 'o' }; static const symbol s_8[] = { 0xE4 }; static const symbol s_9[] = { 0xF6 }; static const symbol s_10[] = { 'i', 'e' }; static const symbol s_11[] = { 'e' }; static const symbol s_12[] = { 'p', 'o' }; static const symbol s_13[] = { 't' }; static const symbol s_14[] = { 'p', 'o' }; static const symbol s_15[] = { 'j' }; static const symbol s_16[] = { 'o' }; static const symbol s_17[] = { 'u' }; static const symbol s_18[] = { 'o' }; static const symbol s_19[] = { 'j' }; static int r_mark_regions(struct SN_env * z) { z->I[0] = z->l; z->I[1] = z->l; if (out_grouping(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 1) < 0) return 0; /* goto */ /* grouping V1, line 46 */ { /* gopast */ /* non V1, line 46 */ int ret = in_grouping(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 1); if (ret < 0) return 0; z->c += ret; } z->I[0] = z->c; /* setmark p1, line 46 */ if (out_grouping(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 1) < 0) return 0; /* goto */ /* grouping V1, line 47 */ { /* gopast */ /* non V1, line 47 */ int ret = in_grouping(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 1); if (ret < 0) return 0; z->c += ret; } z->I[1] = z->c; /* setmark p2, line 47 */ return 1; } static int r_R2(struct SN_env * z) { if (!(z->I[1] <= z->c)) return 0; return 1; } static int r_particle_etc(struct SN_env * z) { int among_var; { int mlimit; /* setlimit, line 55 */ int m1 = z->l - z->c; (void)m1; if (z->c < z->I[0]) return 0; z->c = z->I[0]; /* tomark, line 55 */ mlimit = z->lb; z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l - m1; z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 55 */ among_var = find_among_b(z, a_0, 10); /* substring, line 55 */ if (!(among_var)) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 55 */ z->lb = mlimit; } switch(among_var) { case 0: return 0; case 1: if (in_grouping_b(z, g_particle_end, 97, 246, 0)) return 0; break; case 2: { int ret = r_R2(z); if (ret == 0) return 0; /* call R2, line 64 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } break; } { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 66 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } return 1; } static int r_possessive(struct SN_env * z) { int among_var; { int mlimit; /* setlimit, line 69 */ int m1 = z->l - z->c; (void)m1; if (z->c < z->I[0]) return 0; z->c = z->I[0]; /* tomark, line 69 */ mlimit = z->lb; z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l - m1; z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 69 */ among_var = find_among_b(z, a_4, 9); /* substring, line 69 */ if (!(among_var)) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 69 */ z->lb = mlimit; } switch(among_var) { case 0: return 0; case 1: { int m2 = z->l - z->c; (void)m2; /* not, line 72 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_0))) goto lab0; return 0; lab0: z->c = z->l - m2; } { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 72 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } break; case 2: { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 74 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 74 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 3, s_1))) return 0; z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 74 */ { int ret = slice_from_s(z, 3, s_2); /* <-, line 74 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } break; case 3: { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 78 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } break; case 4: if (z->c - 1 <= z->lb || z->p[z->c - 1] != 97) return 0; if (!(find_among_b(z, a_1, 6))) return 0; /* among, line 81 */ { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 81 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } break; case 5: if (z->c - 1 <= z->lb || z->p[z->c - 1] != 228) return 0; if (!(find_among_b(z, a_2, 6))) return 0; /* among, line 83 */ { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 84 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } break; case 6: if (z->c - 2 <= z->lb || z->p[z->c - 1] != 101) return 0; if (!(find_among_b(z, a_3, 2))) return 0; /* among, line 86 */ { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 86 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } break; } return 1; } static int r_LONG(struct SN_env * z) { if (!(find_among_b(z, a_5, 7))) return 0; /* among, line 91 */ return 1; } static int r_VI(struct SN_env * z) { if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_3))) return 0; if (in_grouping_b(z, g_V2, 97, 246, 0)) return 0; return 1; } static int r_case_ending(struct SN_env * z) { int among_var; { int mlimit; /* setlimit, line 96 */ int m1 = z->l - z->c; (void)m1; if (z->c < z->I[0]) return 0; z->c = z->I[0]; /* tomark, line 96 */ mlimit = z->lb; z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l - m1; z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 96 */ among_var = find_among_b(z, a_6, 30); /* substring, line 96 */ if (!(among_var)) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 96 */ z->lb = mlimit; } switch(among_var) { case 0: return 0; case 1: if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_4))) return 0; break; case 2: if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_5))) return 0; break; case 3: if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_6))) return 0; break; case 4: if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_7))) return 0; break; case 5: if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_8))) return 0; break; case 6: if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_9))) return 0; break; case 7: { int m_keep = z->l - z->c;/* (void) m_keep;*/ /* try, line 111 */ { int m2 = z->l - z->c; (void)m2; /* and, line 113 */ { int m3 = z->l - z->c; (void)m3; /* or, line 112 */ { int ret = r_LONG(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab2; /* call LONG, line 111 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } goto lab1; lab2: z->c = z->l - m3; if (!(eq_s_b(z, 2, s_10))) { z->c = z->l - m_keep; goto lab0; } } lab1: z->c = z->l - m2; if (z->c <= z->lb) { z->c = z->l - m_keep; goto lab0; } z->c--; /* next, line 113 */ } z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 113 */ lab0: ; } break; case 8: if (in_grouping_b(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 0)) return 0; if (out_grouping_b(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 0)) return 0; break; case 9: if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_11))) return 0; break; } { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 138 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } z->B[0] = 1; /* set ending_removed, line 139 */ return 1; } static int r_other_endings(struct SN_env * z) { int among_var; { int mlimit; /* setlimit, line 142 */ int m1 = z->l - z->c; (void)m1; if (z->c < z->I[1]) return 0; z->c = z->I[1]; /* tomark, line 142 */ mlimit = z->lb; z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l - m1; z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 142 */ among_var = find_among_b(z, a_7, 14); /* substring, line 142 */ if (!(among_var)) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 142 */ z->lb = mlimit; } switch(among_var) { case 0: return 0; case 1: { int m2 = z->l - z->c; (void)m2; /* not, line 146 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 2, s_12))) goto lab0; return 0; lab0: z->c = z->l - m2; } break; } { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 151 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } return 1; } static int r_i_plural(struct SN_env * z) { { int mlimit; /* setlimit, line 154 */ int m1 = z->l - z->c; (void)m1; if (z->c < z->I[0]) return 0; z->c = z->I[0]; /* tomark, line 154 */ mlimit = z->lb; z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l - m1; z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 154 */ if (z->c <= z->lb || (z->p[z->c - 1] != 105 && z->p[z->c - 1] != 106)) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } if (!(find_among_b(z, a_8, 2))) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } /* substring, line 154 */ z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 154 */ z->lb = mlimit; } { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 158 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } return 1; } static int r_t_plural(struct SN_env * z) { int among_var; { int mlimit; /* setlimit, line 161 */ int m1 = z->l - z->c; (void)m1; if (z->c < z->I[0]) return 0; z->c = z->I[0]; /* tomark, line 161 */ mlimit = z->lb; z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l - m1; z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 162 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_13))) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 162 */ { int m_test = z->l - z->c; /* test, line 162 */ if (in_grouping_b(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 0)) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } z->c = z->l - m_test; } { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 163 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } z->lb = mlimit; } { int mlimit; /* setlimit, line 165 */ int m2 = z->l - z->c; (void)m2; if (z->c < z->I[1]) return 0; z->c = z->I[1]; /* tomark, line 165 */ mlimit = z->lb; z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l - m2; z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 165 */ if (z->c - 2 <= z->lb || z->p[z->c - 1] != 97) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } among_var = find_among_b(z, a_9, 2); /* substring, line 165 */ if (!(among_var)) { z->lb = mlimit; return 0; } z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 165 */ z->lb = mlimit; } switch(among_var) { case 0: return 0; case 1: { int m3 = z->l - z->c; (void)m3; /* not, line 167 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 2, s_14))) goto lab0; return 0; lab0: z->c = z->l - m3; } break; } { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 170 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } return 1; } static int r_tidy(struct SN_env * z) { { int mlimit; /* setlimit, line 173 */ int m1 = z->l - z->c; (void)m1; if (z->c < z->I[0]) return 0; z->c = z->I[0]; /* tomark, line 173 */ mlimit = z->lb; z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l - m1; { int m2 = z->l - z->c; (void)m2; /* do, line 174 */ { int m3 = z->l - z->c; (void)m3; /* and, line 174 */ { int ret = r_LONG(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab0; /* call LONG, line 174 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } z->c = z->l - m3; z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 174 */ if (z->c <= z->lb) goto lab0; z->c--; /* next, line 174 */ z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 174 */ { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 174 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } } lab0: z->c = z->l - m2; } { int m4 = z->l - z->c; (void)m4; /* do, line 175 */ z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 175 */ if (in_grouping_b(z, g_AEI, 97, 228, 0)) goto lab1; z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 175 */ if (out_grouping_b(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 0)) goto lab1; { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 175 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab1: z->c = z->l - m4; } { int m5 = z->l - z->c; (void)m5; /* do, line 176 */ z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 176 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_15))) goto lab2; z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 176 */ { int m6 = z->l - z->c; (void)m6; /* or, line 176 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_16))) goto lab4; goto lab3; lab4: z->c = z->l - m6; if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_17))) goto lab2; } lab3: { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 176 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab2: z->c = z->l - m5; } { int m7 = z->l - z->c; (void)m7; /* do, line 177 */ z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 177 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_18))) goto lab5; z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 177 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_19))) goto lab5; { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 177 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab5: z->c = z->l - m7; } z->lb = mlimit; } if (in_grouping_b(z, g_V1, 97, 246, 1) < 0) return 0; /* goto */ /* non V1, line 179 */ z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 179 */ if (z->c <= z->lb) return 0; z->c--; /* next, line 179 */ z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 179 */ z->S[0] = slice_to(z, z->S[0]); /* -> x, line 179 */ if (z->S[0] == 0) return -1; /* -> x, line 179 */ if (!(eq_v_b(z, z->S[0]))) return 0; /* name x, line 179 */ { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 179 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } return 1; } extern int finnish_ISO_8859_1_stem(struct SN_env * z) { { int c1 = z->c; /* do, line 185 */ { int ret = r_mark_regions(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab0; /* call mark_regions, line 185 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab0: z->c = c1; } z->B[0] = 0; /* unset ending_removed, line 186 */ z->lb = z->c; z->c = z->l; /* backwards, line 187 */ { int m2 = z->l - z->c; (void)m2; /* do, line 188 */ { int ret = r_particle_etc(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab1; /* call particle_etc, line 188 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab1: z->c = z->l - m2; } { int m3 = z->l - z->c; (void)m3; /* do, line 189 */ { int ret = r_possessive(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab2; /* call possessive, line 189 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab2: z->c = z->l - m3; } { int m4 = z->l - z->c; (void)m4; /* do, line 190 */ { int ret = r_case_ending(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab3; /* call case_ending, line 190 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab3: z->c = z->l - m4; } { int m5 = z->l - z->c; (void)m5; /* do, line 191 */ { int ret = r_other_endings(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab4; /* call other_endings, line 191 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab4: z->c = z->l - m5; } { int m6 = z->l - z->c; (void)m6; /* or, line 192 */ if (!(z->B[0])) goto lab6; /* Boolean test ending_removed, line 192 */ { int m7 = z->l - z->c; (void)m7; /* do, line 192 */ { int ret = r_i_plural(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab7; /* call i_plural, line 192 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab7: z->c = z->l - m7; } goto lab5; lab6: z->c = z->l - m6; { int m8 = z->l - z->c; (void)m8; /* do, line 192 */ { int ret = r_t_plural(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab8; /* call t_plural, line 192 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab8: z->c = z->l - m8; } } lab5: { int m9 = z->l - z->c; (void)m9; /* do, line 193 */ { int ret = r_tidy(z); if (ret == 0) goto lab9; /* call tidy, line 193 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } lab9: z->c = z->l - m9; } z->c = z->lb; return 1; } extern struct SN_env * finnish_ISO_8859_1_create_env(void) { return SN_create_env(1, 2, 1); } extern void finnish_ISO_8859_1_close_env(struct SN_env * z) { SN_close_env(z, 1); }