routines ( postlude mark_regions RV R1 R2 attached_pronoun standard_suffix y_verb_suffix verb_suffix residual_suffix ) externals ( stem ) integers ( pV p1 p2 ) groupings ( v ) stringescapes {} /* special characters (in ISO Latin I) */ stringdef a' hex 'E1' // a-acute stringdef e' hex 'E9' // e-acute stringdef i' hex 'ED' // i-acute stringdef o' hex 'F3' // o-acute stringdef u' hex 'FA' // u-acute stringdef u" hex 'FC' // u-diaeresis stringdef n~ hex 'F1' // n-tilde define v 'aeiou{a'}{e'}{i'}{o'}{u'}{u"}' define mark_regions as ( $pV = limit $p1 = limit $p2 = limit // defaults do ( ( v (non-v gopast v) or (v gopast non-v) ) or ( non-v (non-v gopast v) or (v next) ) setmark pV ) do ( gopast v gopast non-v setmark p1 gopast v gopast non-v setmark p2 ) ) define postlude as repeat ( [substring] among( '{a'}' (<- 'a') '{e'}' (<- 'e') '{i'}' (<- 'i') '{o'}' (<- 'o') '{u'}' (<- 'u') // and possibly {u"}->u here, or in prelude '' (next) ) //or next ) backwardmode ( define RV as $pV <= cursor define R1 as $p1 <= cursor define R2 as $p2 <= cursor define attached_pronoun as ( [substring] among( 'me' 'se' 'sela' 'selo' 'selas' 'selos' 'la' 'le' 'lo' 'las' 'les' 'los' 'nos' ) substring RV among( 'i{e'}ndo' (] <- 'iendo') '{a'}ndo' (] <- 'ando') '{a'}r' (] <- 'ar') '{e'}r' (] <- 'er') '{i'}r' (] <- 'ir') 'ando' 'iendo' 'ar' 'er' 'ir' (delete) 'yendo' ('u' delete) ) ) define standard_suffix as ( [substring] among( 'anza' 'anzas' 'ico' 'ica' 'icos' 'icas' 'ismo' 'ismos' 'able' 'ables' 'ible' 'ibles' 'ista' 'istas' 'oso' 'osa' 'osos' 'osas' 'amiento' 'amientos' 'imiento' 'imientos' ( R2 delete ) 'adora' 'ador' 'aci{o'}n' 'adoras' 'adores' 'aciones' 'ante' 'antes' 'ancia' 'ancias'// Note 1 ( R2 delete try ( ['ic'] R2 delete ) ) 'log{i'}a' 'log{i'}as' ( R2 <- 'log' ) 'uci{o'}n' 'uciones' ( R2 <- 'u' ) 'encia' 'encias' ( R2 <- 'ente' ) 'amente' ( R1 delete try ( [substring] R2 delete among( 'iv' (['at'] R2 delete) 'os' 'ic' 'ad' ) ) ) 'mente' ( R2 delete try ( [substring] among( 'ante' // Note 1 'able' 'ible' (R2 delete) ) ) ) 'idad' 'idades' ( R2 delete try ( [substring] among( 'abil' 'ic' 'iv' (R2 delete) ) ) ) 'iva' 'ivo' 'ivas' 'ivos' ( R2 delete try ( ['at'] R2 delete // but not a further ['ic'] R2 delete ) ) ) ) define y_verb_suffix as ( setlimit tomark pV for ([substring]) among( 'ya' 'ye' 'yan' 'yen' 'yeron' 'yendo' 'yo' 'y{o'}' 'yas' 'yes' 'yais' 'yamos' ('u' delete) ) ) define verb_suffix as ( setlimit tomark pV for ([substring]) among( 'en' 'es' '{e'}is' 'emos' (try ('u' test 'g') ] delete) 'ar{i'}an' 'ar{i'}as' 'ar{a'}n' 'ar{a'}s' 'ar{i'}ais' 'ar{i'}a' 'ar{e'}is' 'ar{i'}amos' 'aremos' 'ar{a'}' 'ar{e'}' 'er{i'}an' 'er{i'}as' 'er{a'}n' 'er{a'}s' 'er{i'}ais' 'er{i'}a' 'er{e'}is' 'er{i'}amos' 'eremos' 'er{a'}' 'er{e'}' 'ir{i'}an' 'ir{i'}as' 'ir{a'}n' 'ir{a'}s' 'ir{i'}ais' 'ir{i'}a' 'ir{e'}is' 'ir{i'}amos' 'iremos' 'ir{a'}' 'ir{e'}' 'aba' 'ada' 'ida' '{i'}a' 'ara' 'iera' 'ad' 'ed' 'id' 'ase' 'iese' 'aste' 'iste' 'an' 'aban' '{i'}an' 'aran' 'ieran' 'asen' 'iesen' 'aron' 'ieron' 'ado' 'ido' 'ando' 'iendo' 'i{o'}' 'ar' 'er' 'ir' 'as' 'abas' 'adas' 'idas' '{i'}as' 'aras' 'ieras' 'ases' 'ieses' '{i'}s' '{a'}is' 'abais' '{i'}ais' 'arais' 'ierais' 'aseis' 'ieseis' 'asteis' 'isteis' 'ados' 'idos' 'amos' '{a'}bamos' '{i'}amos' 'imos' '{a'}ramos' 'i{e'}ramos' 'i{e'}semos' '{a'}semos' (delete) ) ) define residual_suffix as ( [substring] among( 'os' 'a' 'o' '{a'}' '{i'}' '{o'}' ( RV delete ) 'e' '{e'}' ( RV delete try( ['u'] test 'g' RV delete ) ) ) ) ) define stem as ( do mark_regions backwards ( do attached_pronoun do ( standard_suffix or y_verb_suffix or verb_suffix ) do residual_suffix ) do postlude ) /* Note 1: additions of 15 Jun 2005 */