Arjen, Edwin,
I may have to let you pursue your study of the Dutch stemmer for sometime
before getting involved myself, as I have a number of things on the go.
Would that be okay by you? What I could do finally is offer a rerelease of
the stemmer, or perhaps support two stemmers, simple and advanced.
I do have the Kraaij-Pohlmann stemmer in Snowball (exact except for a
handful of words in a large vocabulary). They created a complex piece of
work, not always easy to understand, but it does tackle the points you have
been raising in your emails, as well as I can recall. Would it be useful to
you if I put up my version on the Snowball website?
If the Dutch stemmer is redone, I'll need to find a new vocabulary (mine
doesn't have apostophe in words, so stemming 'tje etc can't be demonstrated).
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