Andrew, I'm posting this to the discussion list and copying the email to you.
I was worried after receiving your email that the version of the algorithm
and the vocabularies were out of step on the website, but I have run the the
Russian stemmer on the vocabulary this morning, and am confident that
everything matches.
Another concern (always present) is that the algorithm description and
Snowball script do not match. But I see you have been following the Snowball
script in developing a stemmer, so that cannot be the issue here.
There is of course no need to implement the stemmer in C, since a stemmer in
C, generated from the Snowball script, is provided on the site. Were you not
aware of that, or did you prefer to develop one yourself? In any case, I
cannot see how to fix your problem from the information you have sent me.
You would need to send me the sources of the program you have developed.
I tried replacing
try([ '{i}' ] delete)
try([ '{i}' or '{i`}' ] delete)
to see what difference it would make, but found it worked exactly the same.
P.S. Not related to the great Vassili Aksyonov, I suppose?
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