I'm looking for general ideas or examples:
I'm just starting to look at Snowball, and how to implement the stemmers
in Swish-e, a full text indexer and search engine. We currently use
Porter's stemmer (not the Snowball version) hard-coded into Swish.
Swish-e is written in C.
I'm looking for ideas how to add stemmers into Swish-e at run-time, or to
make it easy for users to include stemmers at build time.
Best would be without the need to modify and recompile swish. I suppose
one method would be to use dlopen, although that might limit swish-e's
Another idea would be to enable stemmers via a ./configure script option.
Is anyone doing something similar? Any suggestions?
-- Bill Moseley moseley@hank.org
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