> -----Original Message-----
> From: snowball-discuss-admin@lists.tartarus.org
> [mailto:snowball-discuss-admin@lists.tartarus.org]On Behalf Of Richard
> Boulton
> Sent: 04 November 2003 14:55
> Cc: snowball-discuss@lists.tartarus.org
> Subject: Re: [Snowball-discuss] Problem with compiling Snowball under
> Visual C++
> Martin Porter wrote:
> > you'll see the dummy ';' before the '}'. Are you using an old version
> > of Snowball?
> It turns out that Charlie was using an old version. I copied a set of
> generated sources into a project of ours a while back, and havn't kept
> it up-to-date.
> So that I can keep it up to date more easily, I've done a bit more work
> on the build system for the source tree in the "snowball" module. This
> is still not complete, so doesn't replace the stuff in the "website"
> module (in particular, I havn't done any of the Java stuff), but there
> is now support for a "c-src-dist" target, which makes a tarball
> containing the generated C sources, and some standard "libstemmer" code
> to call the stemmers.
> --
> Richard
Thanks Richard and Martin, I can now successfully build a stemmer library in
the Visual C++ IDE without any problems. If anyone is doing anything similar
and has problems, let me know!
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