Hello Martin (or Richard or whoever answers these emails)
Since leaving Smartlogik I have, much to my surprise, been increasingly involved in information retrieval. Some insight into my current work can be seen at: www.conceptSearching.com
The reason for my email is to clarify what I am allowed to do with the resources published on the Snowball site. I realise that you publish everything under the BSD License but I am still not clear about my ability to utilise your algorithms.
ConceptSearching is a closed-source proprietary product. However, it seems to me that I could incorporate your stemming algorithms and distribute in binary code form provided that I give full credit to you in our documentation and include the BSD copyright notice making it clear what parts of our product are covered by this license.
Am I allowed to do this ?
If yes, then I would be happy to forward you a copy of the documenation that I propose to use for your approval.
If no, then could you please suggest some way that I may use your algorithms without infringing your copyright. Please note that publishing our entire product under the BSD license is not an option we wish to consider.
I apologise for asking a question that should be answered already by your license. However, I am an engineer and not a solicitor and so I would like to be sure before proceeding (and we are too small to have a company lawyer).
Best regards - and good luck with Locayta !
John Challis
Concept Searching Limited
Mobile: 07879 631910
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