Re: [Snowball-discuss] BSD License conditions

From: Martin Porter (
Date: Tue Feb 17 2004 - 19:35:02 GMT


Very nice to hear from you again. I gathered you were now in the IR field,
but had lost track of exactly what you were doing, so it will be of interest
to look at your website.

BSD is really a fancy term for free software. You can do with it whatever
you wish, except claim to own or have invented it. Certainly it can be
incorporated into ConceptSearching, without the License of ConceptSearching
being in any way affected. I think if you say it incorporates the Snowball
stemming algorithms (c) etc., covered by the BSD License that should suffice.

You needn't send on the documentation: we trust you!

I don't if, Richard, you want to add anything?


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