On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 20:58 +0200, roberto.intonti@libero.it wrote:
> Dear Dott. Martin Porter and Richard Boulton,
> we are some students of University of Sannio (Benevento-Italy). For an
> university course kept by Prof. Giulio Antoniol, we have realized an
> information retrieval system in which we have used your stemmers. We
> would want to distribute open source our system without any commercial
> aim. Have we got the authorization to do it? Of course, in the
> documentation that we provide, we explicitly say that used stemmers
> are taken by the Snowball Project of Dott. Martin Porter and Richard
> Boulton. Waiting your answer, we thank you to have implemented
> stemmers that we have used. We also enclose a photo of our team.
See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php for the legal details, but
essentially, yes - there is no problem with such distribution.
-- Richard Boulton <richard@tartarus.org>
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