In fact we have a finnish stop word list! I'll ask about send it your
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, Martin Porter wrote:
> Neal,
> Very interesting to read of your use of the snowball work. I'm glad it's
> been useful. (Perhaps we could add a reference to HtDig on our 'projects'
> page, which is updated all too infrequently.)
> The stopwords lists are BSD I guess, but I tend to be even more relaxed
> about their use than the stemmers themselves. As you say, they usually
> undergo a lot of massaging and adjusting before they become serviceable in
> another piece of work. Given that you are not using them in a way that makes
> acknowledgement easy, I suggest you don't bother to credit snowball as the
> source.
> Martin
> P.S. -- I don't suppose you have a stopword list for Finnish?
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-- Neal Richter Sr. Researcher and Machine Learning Lead Software Development RightNow Technologies, Inc. Customer Service for Every Web Site Office: 406-522-1485
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